Color of outfit layouts to help you have a good day

Color of outfit layouts to help you have a good day

Science has proven that the color of outfit changes our mood and how others treat us. So does your wardrobe have the “happy” colors below?

According to research by Keith Jacobs and Frank Hustmyer in 1974, the color of clothes can change a person’s heart rate, blood pressure and breathing. So what colors will help you feel better as well as spread positive energy to everyone around?

Pretty color of outfit layouts – green shade

Green gives a sense of security. In the brain, the closest association with this color is the message “allowed to go straight” when participating in traffic. Green is also the color of “Mother Nature”, the Color of outfit green trees that daily purify the air and create oxygen to nourish all species.

Pretty color outfit layouts - green shade
Pretty color outfit layouts – green shade

Green with light shades creates a pleasant feeling on the eyes. Therefore, this is the ideal choice for office girls who spend all day in front of the computer screen. Light pastel mint green color is very suitable for Asian girls’ skin tones. If you prefer a brighter shade of blue, pair it with white or black items. For accessories, you can choose brown tones, a color that often appears with green in nature.

Blue – creates a feeling of relaxation

In a 1999 study at Creighton University, color had a significant effect on employee productivity and mood. Accordingly, a room with a lot of blue will help regulate heart rate and reduce stress. Employees also say they feel more focused and calm at work.

This is also the most loved color in the world. The root cause for this: blue is the color of the sky. For a child, this is the color associated with outdoor play. When growing up, blue symbolizes the clear sky, fresh air. Blue clothing creates a calm, trustworthy impression on the opposite person. This is also the reason that members of the British Royal family often wear this color.

Blue - creates a feeling of relaxation
Blue – creates a feeling of relaxation

On “blue sky and sunny yellow” days, blue is the most suitable color to “light up” the mood. The blue dress made from cool lightweight materials like satin, silk brings a pleasant feeling, helping you look radiant in travel photos.