This doesn’t look like the Queen. Beautiful statue but no resemblance besides the clothing.. It is a really good likeness, from the neck down. The pose is very like her majesty, but what a shame that the head shape and face are not a good likeness. However, I’m sure that she is far too polite to make any reference.. I love the fact that there are more statues of Her Majesty but this does not look like her, facially, at all!. Oh dear i don’t see the likeness to our beautiful little Queen.. Sorry that is an awful depiction of the Queen. She looks like an old man. I feel sorry for her that she had to be online for a virtual unveiling. Of course, she had to be polite, but she is so much nicer than that in real life.. My wife and I send our prayers for Prince Philip and Your Majesty. The Monarchy is an inspiration to all of us! God Save the Queen! Golden retriever god once said I need someone strong enough to pull a cart poster

Golden retriever god once said I need someone strong enough to pull a cart poster
The Duchess of Cornwall is the best addition to the a Royal family!. Lovely to see the Duchess up and about as usual!! Always tries to put her best foot forward, inspite of the negativity. Very empathetic, caring and genuine, and represents the Crown phenomenally. She’s definitely a credit to the Royal Family.. A lesson Canadian politicians and medical people should carry out in Canada!. Now this is a great use for a church in these times. It is right in line with the gospel . Rob Burns. Our lovely Camilla. Those wonderful people whom she met must have been so chuffed.. Daniel James Flack. Heather Worton. Are the Royals required to get the injection too?. Camilla looks very nice. Her hair is done so nice and the pink coat is beautiful on her. Great lady. Why not two metre distancing?. My dear Mom Queen Cornwall you are very kinds hearted person god gives alote you are rich and great humanitarian so please in the line humanity help my mom you are well known personality in the world people value for this kindness your Great leader my Golden retriever god once said I need someone strong enough to pull a cart poster

Golden retriever god once said I need someone strong enough to pull a cart poster
How nice to see our dear monarch appreciated for all her unstinting service to our country and the Commonwealth She couldn’t deserve this recognition more! God Bless our gracious Queen. Kurt Harvell. Watched the interview with the Australian PM it was quite delightful and Your Majesty you have a lovely sense of humour even when you know your dearest Prince Philip is not well! I take my hat to you with such admiration . I may not be a British citizen but I have so much respect for the Queen. What a wonderful tribute to a wonderful lady.. At first I did not like the statue, but the more I look at it, it just seems right for the times. Years from now there will be people posing with the statue acting like this is their grandparent out for a stroll, and that is really not a bad thing.

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